Let’s find out the Chief Product Officer’s salary. How much do they make? And what does it take to become a Chief Product Officer?
Introduction about Chief Product Officer
A Chief Product Officer is the one who oversees everything that has to do with the product of the company. The Chief Product Officer (CPO) is the head of the team that is responsible for conceptualizing, designing, and implementing new products.
They are also often the chief of marketing, business development, and research and development. As well as overseeing operations within the company.
How Much Does a Chief Product Officer’s Salary?
According to Payscale.com’s report on Chief Product Officer Salaries, the top-earning CPO makes around $150k per year. The median salary range is between $122k-$172k per year for this position. So it seems like there is a lot of room for advancement depending on your experience and opinion!
Becoming a Chief Product Officer
Some basic qualifications:
a) Bachelor’s degree or higher
Any degree will do but if you want to get ahead in corporate America. It would be best to get a business management degree from a top university. Such as Harvard Business School or Wharton Business School.
If you go down this route then it would be best to specialize in marketing or management at University. Then you could use this degree to get a job at a big company and work your way up.
b) 5-7 years of work experience
This is the minimum experience you should have to become a Chief Product Officer. You could be able to get away without this experience if you have a Ph.D. in business or technology. But it’s best to get this work experience under your belt.
It’s also best to enter the corporate world by taking an entry-level position in product management or marketing (maybe even sales). Then work your way up.
c) Businessperson
It’s best to be well-versed in business to become an Officer. There are many ways you can learn about business, but I would recommend reading books on the subject. Start with the classics like:
“How To Win Friends And Influence People” by Dale Carnegie
“Good To Great” by Jim Collins
These are excellent books that are simple to read but have lots of useful information that will help you become more successful in business.
d) Technical Skills
This is important when it comes time to implement your ideas. So you will want to be familiar with at least one programming language when you become a CPO. You don’t need to be an expert programmer. But having an understanding of basic concepts will help you move forward quickly in your career.
e) Passion for Technology
You must be passionate about technology. Because it will drive the direction of your products and help you design better products for your company/clients.
You should regularly follow tech blogs or websites that are relevant to your field of expertise. Why? So that you can stay current on the latest trends and technology.
To Conclude
Hopefully, you have learned something from this article. If you are interested in becoming a Chief Product Officer then you should check out our other articles.