In this section, we will explore more about the Chief Product Cybersecurity Officer. We will review the responsibilities and skillsets of the Chief Product Cybersecurity Officer.
This position is still relatively new in the corporate world, but it will be important to understand as we progress into the IoT era.
Chief Product Cybersecurity Officer (CPO)
The Chief Product Cybersecurity Officer (CPO) is an emerging area of cybersecurity management. The CPO reports to the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) and serves as a business point of contact for cybersecurity functions. The CPO works with business managers to understand their technology needs and how to best protect them from cyber risks.
They also work with technology specialists to secure critical business functions and data systems. The CPO provides actionable advice that helps drive business performance and comply with regulatory requirements.
He/She is responsible for the development of policies, standards, and procedures that protect the organization’s technology assets. He or she ensures the development of processes for protecting company data and intellectual property.
They must work with legal counsel to understand company data governance policies. He or she must also work with operations staff to understand existing technologies and how they can be protected from cyber risks.
They must also work with an IT security team to develop risk-based strategies for securing critical business functions. The CPO should be familiar with current industry standards, best practices, and emerging technologies related to cybersecurity.
The CPO position is highly dependent on the organization’s size, the scope of business activities, and the sector (for example, financial services vs. manufacturing). In addition, corporate culture will play a significant role in determining how the CPO position is structured.
The CPO will typically be one of the first cybersecurity positions established in an organization. It will initially focus on developing an understanding of the company’s business needs and how to best protect them from cyber risks.
Chief Product Cybersecurity Officer Responsibilities
Some of the core responsibilities of a Chief Product Cybersecurity Officer include:
1. Create and implement a cybersecurity strategy for protecting critical business functions and data.
2. Manage the development of policies, standards, and procedures that ensure adherence to regulatory requirements and best practices.
3. Ensure the creation of processes to secure company data and intellectual property.
4. Manage relationships with legal counsel to ensure regulatory compliance.
5. Develop risk-based strategies for securing critical business functions.
Skill Sets of the Chief Product Cybersecurity Officer
Chief Product Cybersecurity Officers may have a variety of educational backgrounds, but they will typically have a degree in computer science or information technology. They may also have certifications in the areas of security, information technology, or business management.
They may also have experience in one or more of the following areas:
1. Risk assessment/risk management
2. IT security management
3. IT auditing/compliance management
4. Security engineering / development / implementation
5. Network administration
6. Security operations / management / monitoring
Career Outlook
The career outlook for the Chief Product Cybersecurity Officer is expected to be very good for the following reasons:
1. Organizations are beginning to recognize the need for managing cyber risk at the business level.
2. As cyber risks increase, talented security professionals will be needed to manage cyber risk at the organizational level.
3. The role of the CPO will become more defined as companies release more specific job descriptions for this position. This will lead to increased demand for experienced CPOs.