In this section, we will explore more about the 4 keys in product design. Continue reading to know more about the topic.
What Is Product Design?
Product design is a term that is often used interchangeably with industrial design, but it means something different. Industrial design, in general, is the design of manufactured products. Product design is more specific in that it focuses on the look and feel of a product. It also incorporates the features and functionality of a product, but it also focuses on how it looks, how it feels, and even how it smells.
If you are a product designer or industrial designer by trade, you need to create the concept for the product. You need to figure out what purpose it serves and how to make it aesthetically pleasing as well as functional for the end-user.
The 4 Keys to Product Design
When designing any kind of product from something small like a toothbrush to a car or even an airplane four main keys must be taken into consideration: market demand, technology, aesthetics, and ergonomics (user comfort). Once these four areas are addressed then you can move forward with your production plan to create your new or improved product. We will discuss each one individually below:
1. Market Demand
Market demand is how many people want your product versus how many people actually can use it or not use it due to certain circumstances such as age restrictions for example (child safety lock), or physical limitations (wheelchair ramps). You will need to consider these things when designing your new product or certifying an existing one for market release. If there is no market demand then you will not likely be able to make enough sales profit from your new creation or redesign to make it worth your time and investment.
2. Technology
Technology has changed the way that products are designed and manufactured for the better. With modern technology, designers and engineers can create things in ways that were previously unimaginable due to cost and complexity. With all of this technology available, it behooves product designers to take advantage of it.
However, technology should not be used just for the sake of using the latest technology available. It should be used to create an improved product or design that helps people more than previous designs. But, not at the expense of ignoring an older technology that still works for a particular purpose or function. If your end-users are farmers for example, then RFID tags may not be necessary on your new tractors since they do not need or use this technology to do their job.
3. Aesthetics & Ergonomics
Aesthetics and ergonomics go hand in hand when it comes to product design. Also, Aesthetics is the look and feel of a product while ergonomics is the user comfort level. Many other factors can be included in this category, such as ease of use or even how easy or difficult it is to maintain the product or clean it.
4. Cost Considerations vs Innovation
One of the most important things to consider when designing a new product is cost. You need to make sure that you can manufacture your new design or redesign at a price point that will be attractive to your buyers or users. However, you also need to consider innovation. If you are not innovative in your design, then it will not be successful regardless of how much profit you can expect to make on sales.