Do you want to know why the chief product officer is indeed important? If so, this article is worth reading for you. Read on to learn more.
Chief Product Officer
A chief product officer is an executive position. They must be appointed for a company to ensure that it remains competitive in the market. The chief product officers are responsible for managing the entire products life cycle. From its inception to its maturity and eventual obsolescence. He or she is also responsible for designing a product that meets the needs of a certain niche of consumers. They are usually people with extensive backgrounds in marketing and business management. Also, they are highly skilled individuals who possess the necessary expertise. To make a decision regarding a particular product’s future despite conflicting views from other stakeholders of the company.
Chief Product Officer’s Duties
A chief product officer is responsible for a number of duties and responsibilities. These include:
Developing a new product
The chief product officer must develop a new product by deciding the features. And functions of a particular item as well as its packaging and pricing. In addition, he or she must hire individuals with the necessary skills to design and build a particular item.
Communicating with stakeholders
They must communicate with stakeholders to ensure that all parties involved with a particular product are on the same page about its future. For example, they must coordinate with sales and marketing personnel as well as engineers and designers to ensure that everyone understands what must be done to develop and market a new item.
Creating corporate objectives
They must create corporate objectives by determining what products will help increase sales figures for their company as well as how much these items will cost to develop and manufacture.
Development phases
The development phase of an item begins with design and ends when it has been completely built and is ready for sale at retail outlets. This phase includes:
During this phase, the chief product officer determines what features and functions will be included in an item as well as any improvements that can be made based on previous models or designs of similar items already on the market.
During this phase, the chief product officer hires individuals with experience in creating new items such as mechanical engineers, industrial designers, electrical engineers, software developers, computer-aided designers (CAD), among others who can design an item based on his or her specifications.
During this phase of development, manufacturing plants are tasked with actually building an item according to the chief product officer’s specifications in order to guarantee that it will function properly when it hits retail stores several months or years later.
Testing quality assurance
During this phase, the chief product officer ensures that a particular item was built properly and meets all of the desired specifications. Any issues regarding an item’s design and construction must be resolved before it can be introduced to the market.
During this phase, the chief product officer is responsible for advertising a product so potential customers will be aware of its existence and will be willing to purchase it once it has been introduced to the market.
During the selling phase, the chief product officer must coordinate with marketing personnel in order to decide what advertising campaigns should be used in order to promote a particular item. He or she must also decide who will be responsible for selling an item at your company’s retail outlets.