In this article, we will discuss how to give product delivery feedback.
It is important to give product delivery feedback because it will help the company make more of the product and fix any problems. Continue reading to know more about the topic.
The Importance of Product Delivery Feedback
Let’s be honest here.
What do you think of when you hear “Product Delivery Feedback”?
I think of a couple of things.
As a customer, I think of how I can provide feedback to the product delivery team so they can make changes to improve the product.
As a product delivery manager, I think of how I can use this feedback to make sure my team is focused on the right thing at the right time.
As a product delivery leader, I think of how I can use the feedback to make sure my team is successful in delivering the right things to our customers.
In reality, feedback is about all these things and more.
It’s about engaging with your customers, your team, and your leadership. And you do so in a way that helps you all work together toward common goals. Done effectively, feedback can help you achieve some awesome results!
How to Give Product Delivery Feedback
Acquire different types of product delivery feedback using multiple channels
Gathering feedback from one source provides only one opinion. Gathering feedback from multiple sources will help you understand what people want and how they want it.
So, it will also help you gain better insights into their perceptions about your company and its products. You do not need an expensive sophisticated tool. Just use tools already available to you like email, social media platforms, or even traditional channels.
Be clear about your goals when gathering feedback
Asking for feedback can be an objective unto itself. But understanding why you are asking for feedback is critical.
It allows you to be able to do something with that information later. Asking for feedback should be designed to drive specific outcomes for you or your team.
For example: “How did you like our latest release?” or “What do you wish we had delivered in this release?” are good questions.
Because that allows customers to share their thoughts and feelings. If you want to gather more specific information related to your key business metrics, then ask questions like “How many lives did we save with this release?” or “How many problems were resolved in this release?”
Your goal shouldn’t be to gather as much information as possible. It should be to gather high-quality information that will help you further define your goals.
Wrapping Up
The bottom line is that all of us have the responsibility to provide feedback. This is the only way to deliver products that customers want and will use.
But how do you give feedback?
To start, you can use multiple channels (email, social media platforms, and traditional channels). Then, be clear about your goals. And finally, be specific about what you want to know from customers.
You’ll find that providing quality delivery feedback will help you improve your products and transform your business.