How can you use product failure to fuel innovation?
This article is the perfect read for any entrepreneur, designer, or brand manager who has ever felt discouraged by a less-than-ideal product launch. We will present a clear, straightforward process that will help you use product failure to fuel innovation.
Sometimes, we are often led to believe that only successful launches lead to product innovation.
However, in reality, product failure is what fuels product innovation. It’s a matter of knowing how to use the failures effectively.
Continue reading to know more about the topic.
How to Use Product Failure to Fuel Innovation
Step 1: Get it off your chest
The most common mistake companies make after a failed launch is staying silent about it.
After all, who likes to talk about their failures? But why do we do this?
Is it because we’re trying to save face? Or is it because we’re afraid of looking foolish in front of our customers? Or maybe we don’t want anyone else stealing our idea?
Well, if you don’t talk about your failed launches, no one will know that they exist. If no one knows they exist, no one will care enough to steal them or learn from them.
And if they don’t know they exist and don’t care enough to steal or learn from them, you’ll have wasted an opportunity for product innovation. So, get over the fear and get it off your chest!
Step 2: Find the hidden opportunity in your failure
Now that you’ve gotten it off your chest, what next? Well, there’s an opportunity hiding in every failed launch. And your job is to find it!
Whether it was a fault in the design or a mistake in positioning, there are lessons learned in every failure. Only if you look hard enough for them.
What could have been better? What could have been done differently? Is there anything that needs fixing?
These questions will help you find the opportunity hidden in your failure and move on with life.
Step 3: Repair what went wrong
Every failed launch has flaws. Some are more flawed than others, but flaws nonetheless.
If the flaw is serious enough and can be fixed, then fix it! If not, then find something that can be changed instead and tweak it until it works as desired.
Whether you’re fixing or tweaking, always remember to keep the core of the product intact.
Step 4: Change how you look at your failures
You probably still feel bad about your failed launch, but now it’s time to change that.
The first step is to stop looking at your failed launches as failures. Because they’re not.
They’re learning experiences, and they’re a great way to identify and address the problem areas of your company, products, and services.
There are some things you get from only success, but there are things you get from failure that you can’t get from success.
Step 5: Use what you’ve learned from your failure to fuel innovation in your next project
The last step is to use what you’ve learned from your failure to fuel innovation in your next project.
This is the ultimate goal of using failed launches as catalysts for innovation. So, don’t miss out on the opportunity!
In summary, we hope this article has motivated you to use product failure to fuel innovation in your next project. Without product failure, there would be less innovation!