What is the information manager role description? What does the person with this role need to do to succeed in this position? And how do you become one? Get to know below.
Information Manager Role Description
An information manager is a person that oversees a lot of things. First, he needs to be a good communicator and present himself clearly and concisely. He needs to be good with people and good at interacting with them.
Then, he must also be organized, detail-oriented, and have a very good memory. He must also be able to multitask, as he will have to juggle a lot of tasks concurrently. In this role, he must also be able to work well under pressure as he needs to do multiple things at once.
In some companies, the information manager is also called the records manager or data manager. This person is usually the one who works with all the documents of a company or organization. He is usually tasked with organizing them and making sure that all papers are filed properly.
Information Manager Responsibilities
An information manager’s responsibilities include organizing all sorts of files and records, managing digital data, and handling records management processes. He will usually supervise employees that handle these processes as well. Another of his main responsibilities is ensuring compliance with federal regulations such as FISMA.
In most organizations, the information manager has two bosses – one from the IT department and another from the legal department. As a result, he has an important role in keeping both of them happy at all times so that problems do not arise later on. This involves keeping everyone abreast of changes – both for policy and procedure – as well as being aware of current events so that he can offer help if needed.
Information Manager Skills
To become an information manager requires certain skills to do the job well. Aside from being organized, detail-oriented, and having excellent communication skills, an information manager should also know how to work with people who are not in his department.
Not only should he communicate effectively with them but he should also be able to translate their needs into efficient solutions. One that meets their requirements without causing problems in other areas of the business or organization.
Aside from that, this person needs to know how to do things on time, as he will be held accountable for the timely completion of projects and tasks. He must also be able to multitask because he will have a lot on his plate.
Requirements for the Role
To become an information manager, one must have a bachelor’s degree in a related field such as information systems, information technology, or business administration.
This is usually a four-year course that will teach one about data, records, and information management. In this course, one will learn about the processes involved in managing data and how to manage digital records.
In addition to that, this person should also have work experience in the field. A minimum of two years of experience is usually needed by employers although some companies require more.
In some cases, employers may require candidates to take part in certification programs.