A product-focused organization structure is a type of organizational structure that focuses on the product. Continue reading to know more about the topic.
What Exactly Is a Product-focused Organization Structure?
Think about this for a moment. What does a product-focused organization structure mean? It’s not something that you come across every day, is it?
Product-focused organizations are unique in their approach. Especially to the whole idea of organizational structure.
It’s not that they don’t have structure at all. Or that they don’t have a hierarchy.
But rather the main focus of this structure is the product itself. Other elements, such as the people, processes, and technologies are still important but they are secondary.
The Product-focused Organization Structure in Practice
Just how does a product-focused organization look in practice?
It really depends on the company that you’re talking about. However, there are certain characteristics that most product-focused organizations share.
For example, there is usually no organizational hierarchy in place. Instead, everyone tends to be on the same level and report to a single person.
In some cases, small teams might be formed. But again everyone will be on the same level and everyone will have equal say in what goes on.
Another thing that you’ll find in most product-focused organizations is that there are no functional silos. Instead, each member will have their own area of expertise. So, they can apply to any project that needs it.
For example, a programmer might also be able to design a user interface. Or edit some marketing material if necessary.
This is because it would work better for the overall project. Rather than getting an outside expert just for one particular task.
Not only does this save time and money. But it also means that everyone gets to use their talents for multiple projects rather than just one which could get boring pretty quickly.
The Benefits of Product-focused Organizations
What makes product-focused organizations so special? What makes them stand out from other types of organizational structures?
Well, as we’ve already mentioned they’re great for saving time, money, and effort. Without sacrificing the quality of output or experience for employees within your business.
But what else? Why should you adopt a product-focused organization structure?
Let’s take a look at some of the top benefits of this type of organizational structure:
Increased Innovation
Because everyone is involved with every aspect of your business, then nothing can ever become stagnant or boring to any employee within your company.
Better communication
Because you are working on the same project with people from all different departments, you’ll need to communicate with them. This can be difficult in some other organizational structures.
However, because everyone is on the same level and working on the same project, it’s much easier to communicate your message.
Better culture
Because there are no layers of management between you and your boss, you can talk to them more easily.
This means that if you have any issues or problems, you can speak to your manager and they will be able to fix it instead.
What are your thoughts? Would you like to try a product-focused organization structure within your own business? Let us know in the comments!