We will discuss everything you need to know about product leadership disciplines.
What Are the Product Leadership Disciplines?
Have you ever heard about product leadership disciplines from other product leaders? I have.
People usually talk about them in a very vague way. The thing is there are many different opinions on what they are and how they should be implemented.
First of all, what do product leadership disciplines mean?
In simple terms, it’s a set of rules, principles, and methods which every great product leader should follow.
But how can you have a bunch of rules and methods that can help you become a better product manager?
The answer is quite simple. Every product leader faces different challenges and obstacles on a daily basis.
If you want to overcome them, you need to learn some rules and principles that will help you focus on what matters.
So, what are the product leadership disciplines?
Here is my list:
What the customer needs is more important than what the customer wants
This is one of the most important product leadership standards that you will ever find. It’s also very easy to understand. If you want to become a better product manager, make sure that you always focus on delivering value first and foremost.
Your customers will love your products if they can solve their problems or satisfy their needs.
Define clear objectives for each project
Nothing can be done without clear objectives. You need to define them for each project before starting any new initiative or feature development process.
Create a strong vision for your products
As a product leader, you need to create a strong vision for your company and products. A vision describes where your company is heading in the future. And what kind of products it will deliver to the market in order to fulfill its mission.
A good vision motivates and inspires people around you. That’s because it shows how your company plans to achieve its goals.
Be customer-centric
You should also always focus on the needs of your customers and users while designing new features or products. The most important thing is to understand their needs and pains.
Pay attention to the user experience
Software products are all about the user experience. So, it’s very important to understand your users and create a seamless user experience for them.
The easier and more enjoyable your product is to use, the more satisfied your customers will be. And that’s exactly what you want as a product manager.
Convey a clear vision of your products to your team
It’s very important to convey a clear vision of your products to your team and stakeholders.
Your vision should motivate people around you and inspire them to take action in order to achieve your goals.
You can achieve that by building a strong team with great communication skills and leadership abilities.
The Bottom Line
Product leadership disciplines are not just a bunch of rules and principles. They are a set of standards that you need to follow to become a better product manager.
What do you think? Are product leadership disciplines a good thing? Should they be respected by every product leader? Leave a comment below.