This is a post discussing project management best practices for creative freelancers. Read on to learn more.
Best Practices For Project Management For Creative Freelancers
Some creatives say that project management is not a best practice for them. We disagree. I think that project management, when done correctly, can actually be fun!
So without further ado, here are the project management best practices we think are most relevant for creative freelancers.
Take Clear, Concise Notes
The first time you speak with a client about a project, always take clear and concise notes. These notes will become the basis for your quotes and invoices.
If you do not take good notes, you risk losing money. And we have seen this happen to many freelancers.
Use an Invoice Template
Freelancing is a business. You are offering products and services to clients in exchange for money.
Use an invoice template that shows that, and makes it clear how the products and services were priced. This will help you to feel like a professional, and help you to keep your business organized.
Focus on the Big Picture
A big mistake many creative freelancers make is getting lost in details right from the start of a project. Instead of focusing on the big picture first, they try to focus on all the little details right away.
Just remember that details are important, But, they are not as important as making sure that everything fits together as a whole from the very beginning of the project. O
Once you have designed something with this in mind, the details will fall into place much better than when you start with them first.
Construct Clear Workflows
It goes without saying that a creative freelancer needs to be creative. But creativity is only one piece of the puzzle. Creativity must be combined with the organization.
Use workflows to organize your project into a clear and easy-to-understand outline. This will help you to keep your clients, and yourself, on the same page throughout the entire project.
You can use our free project management template for this purpose. It comes with free unlimited updates and revisions for the first year, so you can make it fit your needs perfectly.
Stay Organized
This might sound like an obvious tip, but it is still worth mentioning. If you are a creative freelancer, you need to be organized not just at work, but in every aspect of your life.
Stay organized by writing things down right away, and always have a pen, paper, or a digital note-taking app with you. This way you will not lose anything important, and you will also feel more professional and organized.
Over to You
We hope that these project management best practices will help many creative freelancers out there. What is most important is that you find the approach which will work for you.
Do not be afraid of experimenting. We have tried many different methods ourselves and we have found the ones which work for us. And now we are sharing them with you!