Get to know more about the Chief Product Architect job description. What are their duties? Let’s take a look at this article. So, read on to learn more.
Introduction about The Chief Product Architect Job Description
As Chief Product Architect, you are a senior executive with a broad perspective of the company’s strategic direction. You establish product development roadmaps and oversee the development of new products. You also have to ensure that the business will have a successful product line.
To do all of these, you will have to manage a team of product managers and develop a coherent strategy that is consistent with the company’s overall vision and mission.
Core Responsibilities as The Chief Product Architect
As Chief Product Architect, your core responsibilities are as follows:
- Define the vision, mission, and values of the organization.
- Create a roadmap for all products.
- Provide a holistic overview of the business.
- Ensure that all products are consistent with the overall vision.
- Oversee all product development.
- Ensure that the organization understands its responsibilities within the roadmaps.
- Communicate the vision to the entire company.
As Chief Product Architect, you will also have to ensure that the company will be able to deliver products.
You have to influence all products, not just one or two of them. You have to ensure that they are consistent with the company mission. You have to have a holistic view of how they are connected and with the business as a whole.
Chief Product Architect Duties
As Chief Product Architect, you may have many duties, including:
• Set long-term strategy for product lines.
This is determined by your vision of where you want to take your product line in 5 years or more, if possible 10 years or more. You will also need to make sure that the strategy corresponds with the overall vision of the organization (aka corporate strategy). It’s important to understand how your product line contributes to this goal of achieving long-term growth and stability for your company.
• Create roadmaps for all products, especially for new ones.
Once you create an overarching product strategy, then you need to create a roadmap for every product line (or at least every important one.) This includes technical specifications and features needed before releasing it on the marketplace (or updating it).
The roadmap should be created in consultation with all the teams involved in creating it (i.e., engineering, sales, marketing, etc.). For example, you can hire an external company or consultant to conduct focus groups on how customers would like new features implemented on this product line. Then you can use these insights as part of making your roadmap for this product line.
• Implement roadmaps into new products.
Once you create a roadmap, then it’s time for you and your team of engineers and developers to implement these features into this new product line. It takes time but if done right, it can give incredible results on sales once released on the marketplace (or updated). For example, if your company is already releasing 1 version per year on this product line (i.e., yearly), then you will need to do at least 3 versions within 3 years (i.e., 3 yearly).